Friday, June 8, 2007

Pictures... I just had to upload a few pics of the munchkins...hope you enjoy them!!!


Val said...

Yeeehawwww!!! Welcome to Bloggerville! Love to see the little darlings! :o)

Angie said...

They are even more precious in person! :) Thanks again for a fun visit! So glad Lili is making progress! I can still hear her precious little voice..."I did it!"
Hugs to everyone...Bailey, Max says hi!
Love - Angie

Toni said...

So good to finally see some pics of the kiddos! Now the pressure is on to keep it up....I know how tough squeezing updates in between diapers can get:)

Anonymous said...

Your girls are the cutest! Looking forward to more pictures. I can't wait to see them again- especially Lili- since I've just seen her once. Come up soon!