Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hello from South Carolina

Well, we made it and spent the afternoon with David's Mom yesterday. She was asleep for most of the visit, but it was good to see her and for the girls to see her as well. The nurse finally told us that she would most likely sleep the rest of the day and so we came on back to the hotel. It was so good to get in the pool with them and relax for a bit. David's sister, her husband and our nephew came over to swim with us.
Lili looked so cute with her ladybug float! She was NOT AT ALL happy with this whole pool/water thing, but she finally relaxed and began to enjoy it a little bit. Aly, on the other hand just jumped right in and was about three steps from spastic the entire time. She absolutely LOVES the water and would stay in it all day if we would let her. This is the first time she has been swimming since last summer, so I thought she might be a tad cautious until she got used to it again, but NO WAY JOSE!!! She kept swimming up to Lili and telling her it would be alright and that it was just water and it wouldn't hurt her. She really had a good time with her cousin Christopher and can't wait for them to come back later today.
Lili is enjoying our stay in the hotel. We all tried to bunk together in the big bed, but one night of no sleep was quite enough thank you!!! So, last night we pulled out the sleeper sofa and propped pillows under the edge of the matress and Lili had her own bed all to herself. She LOVED it. She promptly pulled the sheet and the blanket up over her head, took one long SIGH and passed out for the duration. one more Lili/Aly story and then I will add some pics and end this.
We didn't get into town the other night until about 1am. I really thought the girls would be asleep since they didn't sleep all day traveling, but they were wide awake and ready to go. We had to stop by the grocery store to pick up a few things for breakfast and such and I just left them in the car with David. I fully expected to come out to the car and find them all losing their minds, crying and frustrated wanting to get out of the car, but instead David said that Aly started trying to tickle Lili with her foot (both of them in their carseats). He said that Lili started laughing and Aly kept trying and it made Lili laugh harder. Then Aly started laughing and before he knew it they were just cracking each other up having a blast! The funniest things will make little girls laugh, won't they?? I love it!!!!
Okay so I was going to post some pics since I am on David's laptop, but I can get them to I'll try to get him to help me figure it out tonight.

Bye for now...

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