I woke up this morning in a bit of a funk. Well, truthfully I have been in a funk for some time now. I just can't seem to shake it and all the circumstances in my life right now aren't helping one little bit. Each day has become a sliding scale of how deeply into the hole I am entrenched...never seeming to get completely out of it. Those days that I'm not to far in I muster up enough to find things I am thankful for and it really does help! (Thanks
A thankful heart really can change your perspective!
This morning I was surfing around to some of my favorite blogs and I found it. Something a little stronger than just being thankful. So, zip on over the Sue's blog,
Praise & Coffee, and see if her words can help you get out of your funk this morning. Or maybe her words will give you the ammo you need to help someone else out of their funk! Either way...thank you Sue!!!
Aww Shelly! Thanks for the link and the sweet words, you are a blessing.
God is in control. He has never failed us. And NEVER will. I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their seed begging bread.
I love you.
God is in control. He has never failed us. And NEVER will. I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their seed begging bread.
I love you.
Awww - David you are amazing!
Shelley, you are amazing too! Life has dealt some twists and turns, but with God at the steering wheel, He'll direct your paths.
My heart hurts for you Shelley. BLue is a painful color! :)
Thought you'd like to know that there have been no additional near death experiences...I even put the whole heater on the porch...kinda redneck of me, huh?
Praying for you friend!
Love - Angie
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