I have already learned several very important things...Aly is going to give me a run for my money for sure!! She has NO patience and wants to learn it all right this very moment!! I try to keep the lessons short, but she doesn't quite agree. I have decided that I need to hire a full time assistant. If Aly had her way we would school 24 hours a day, so I need someone to constantly feed me lesson plans and books!!! WHEW...she is exhausting, but I am more confident than ever that homeschooling is the best option for this child. They would not be able to keep up with her in public school...no way, no how!!! I planned WAY more material than I thought I would need for the school year and now I seriously wonder if we will make it to Christmas with what I have planned!! I am learning that she loves to chase rabbits and that is a good thing because I can see what she is really interested in and try my best to incorporate it into the mix for her.
Aly LITERALLY cried when we stopped for lunch yesterday because she wanted to keep going. I finally pried her away from the table, but she was back in no time working on this magnetic board with all the little strips of words. You know....like you use on the front of the fridge? Anyway she sat at the table and wrote some crazy story until lunch was ready and then nearly had indigestion sucking her food down so she could get back to the table and start again! Oi...it is going to be a LONG year. We have had several long conversations about it and although it will take some time...I think she will get it. I am realizing that she must be hands on. (She was bored to tears with the vocabulary words, but when I pulled the Scrabble board out she grabbed the tiles and went into her own little world until she made it work and got every word in there. )
Lili, on the other hand, is very excited about doing what she wants to do. When I give her a project to do that isn't on her list she says, "I don't want to do that!" She is going to be an interesting nut to crack!!! I'm not too worried about it now as she is only in preschool, but I'm keeping my eyes open and making lots of mental notes!!!! She is love love loving learning to write her letters and doing a great job. She gets frustrated very easily, but she is as eager to learn as Aly has always been!!
I am open to any suggestions, thoughts, ideas,tricks, schemes...whatever!!! Hit me with your best shot!!!!
This is Aly getting all of her notebooks ready. She decorated the cover for each folder.
The cover of her history book shows a rainbow, a clock and the world.
Watch out for the "crazy people from all over the world" on the cover of her SS notebook.
That is a volcano on the front of her science notebook.
Here she is demonstrating the first sign she ever learned..."more"
The picture is of people making sign language signs.
A few of Lili's preschool workbooks.

Two VERY EXCITED girls having just eaten breakfast and more than ready to start school!!
She can't wait to dive in!

Okay...is that not the most beautiful smile??? Sometimes I get a glimpse of the beauty that she will be in years to come!!
Getting down to business!!

Lili's first project. We had just checked the weather and it was supposed to be sunny and cloudy later in the day. This is Lili's interpretation of that weather report. Click on the picture to see it better.
Lili sorting beads by color. She is very into it...don't you think??
This was today. Aly was practicing her vocabulary words by spelling them with the scrabble tiles. She has to have "hands on" or she goes NUTS!!!
Where is that letter?????
Hey...this is easy...I'm almost done!!!
More Scrabble...Aly style!!
Oh...she is doing a great job!!
I'm so over colored beads!!!!!
Oh God...I promise I'll never do it again if you just make these beads go away!!!!!
Thank you Father...now we get to do some REAL work!! Working on my letters. Oh, by the way, I color with my left hand and I write with my right hand. I know...I'm wierd...go put on your BIG GIRL PANTIES AND DEAL WITH IT!!!
"Please stop taking my picture!!! You're making me nervous!!"
Mom's Big Idea Box. The best thing I ever did!!! All my school notes, resources, plans, ideas, etc...all on index cards and filed by subject!!! It also has holiday/celebration plans. I LOVE THIS BOX!!!!!
Is there anything happier than a bunch of crayons ready to change the world??
Aly working on her writing. She just finished and was drawing a picture that illustrates what she wrote. It was about being kind and she is drawing her being kind to Lili. Awwwwwwww!
Aly's picture interpretation of the "summer tilt" and the "winter tilt" at the North Pole. (Read: It is dark day and night in the winter and light day and night in the summer)
"If you take my picture one more time I am going to stick this crayon up your nose!!!!"
This is just funny!!!!
In HIS Mighty Grip
Okay, that is just too weird about Lili writing with one hand and coloring with the other. Mary Joyce uses both hands, too. Katherine, on the other hand, is almost 2 years younger and is already very obviously right handed.
Love the idea of the "recipe box" for your inspirations!
May you have many fun School days ahead!! Keep posting! Even your crayons are organized! whoa!
I'm taking a violin class w/ E'beth. Its the first class I've taken in over xx years. At first, I hated it. I had nightmares about the teachers perfection they demanded, I was almost a basket case over this silly stuff.. finally after about 8 or so lessons I am actually enjoying it!
I am impressed... I learned stuff just by reading this blog post and looking at your pictures. Your girls are so blessed to have you for their Mom and teacher!!
Funny video too!! :o) Needed that giggle today at work!
That's kind of how I feel at the end of a school day!
Awesome post, love the eagerness of both of your girls! Aly wants to soak it ALL up! I remember those early days, when lessons were fun...they're still fun now (6th and 8th) but not the same way :) Enjoy!
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