I am sitting here listening to Aly and David play chess. He has been waiting since the day we adopted her to teach her to play and a few weeks ago he finally pulled out the chess set that we bought in China and began to teach her. She is still learning and has a long way to go...I mean, it IS Chess...but the last time they played, she almost beat him.
The night she almost she nearly beat him!!
Learning all the pieces.
Holy cow...I have to homeschool this child!!! She is so smart!!! God help me!!!
"...guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my
hope is in you all day long..." PS 25:5
In HIS Mighty Grip
Love that first picture--Aly looks so serious.
...Oh my! that look of concentration on her face! At the age of "forty-whatever"...I still cannot understand chess- maybe she will start a web-tutorial for rest of us! ;-)
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