Anyway, our little corner of the world is still rolling along. Rather than make 50 posts to catch up, I decided to do one big catch-up post with lots of pictures. Here are some of the highlights since last we met...
We got a new haircut!
We wished we had enough hair to GET a haircut, but looked stunningly beautiful anyway!!
We caught a cold and had to rest a lot on the couch. Big sister Aly took good care of me and covered me up so I could watch tv all warm and snuggly!
Of course, then she stole most of the cover to cover herself up on the floor!! Oh well...gotta love sisters!
We got a new sandbox!!! We are so happy!!
We flatly refused to either chew or swallow our delicious peas!! guessed it...Mom won that battle!!
We love to pose in our big sisters shoes...and a diaper of course!
Gosh, I think I could be a ballerina with moves like this!!!
We decided that it didn't matter...much more fun just to laugh with Dad!!
We got confused as to whether we came from China or Japan.
We decided that the highchair is the best seat in the house...even when you are four!
We played on the water bottles in the kitchen
Forget ballet, let just go for gymnastics like Aly!!
We thought that the dog bowl would make a lovely pill box hat!
We found new and exciting ways and places to color in our coloring books!
...and finally...we passed out in the highchair while eating dinner. Lili was so tired that she forgot to take her hand out of her food!
I have a few more pictures and some video that I will post later. In the meantime, enjoy these!!
In HIS Mighty Grip
Missed you! Love all the new pictures, Shelly.
Thanks Lorrin!! I can't believe how long it had been since I posted!! I was starting to get hate mail. :-)
Oh What fun! The girls look adorable. Glad to hear from your neck of the woods! I was starting to worry.
the pictures are adorable! I love the new haircut. Addie loves the pic. of Lili with the peas!! She keeps asking me to see it. too funny!
Check in with your chatty girls sometime....
I love our family!! Great job blogging Ma.
I love our family!! Great job blogging Ma.
Love it!
Jennifer G.
Glad to see you are back! Perhaps David will jump in again soon?? ;) The girls are beautiful as always- even w/ only a diaper! lol.
Love the pictures!!! :-) (Glad you found that camera cord...)
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